Saturday, February 5, 2011


Formed a new group named Ditched 5 aka being ditched and belongs to nobody. Activity for third day of new year was:

Eggs drawing: Ugly spiderman and ultraman by ME ^^
Better drawings by Lennard
Lennard and June
Dono whose production are those. LOL. Forgive me
Ditched 5 on the way back from Pizza for Supper. lol

Watched two movies of 1992 and 1993's till 3am. <<修女也疯狂1 and 2>>
In the end, all of us are motivated to sing out loud in the Grace of GOD.

Onyx Night

Working part time in the Bar

Cam-whoring in the third floor no ppl bar
Take 3

Went Onyx just to see Lion Dance at 130am. However, we enjoyed ourselves there.
Bet a can of pepsi with june with the number of guys who gonna flirt Shirly tonight.
Right after we had an agreement, a man came. I knew i will lost the bet because the night is still so YOUNG. Managed to bring the broken-Hearted man aka Lennard with my beer + mentos.
As a result, flu intensified today because I havent got enough sleep. MSN ring ring early in the morning. lol.
Far behind my schedule for assignments. Will continue my work after gym session today. Yosh!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fail number N times

I am born to fail.
To fail your hope and failing mine too.
After been through all the failures, I am a whole made up of pieces.
Just thinking it is ridiculous when my group mates said I would make my family proud.
I have failed others N times and even I don't believe myself anymore. Why should you?

~Continuing To Fail~

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Being abused by a Vietnamese guy, who likes to force things happening in his own way. He forced me to meet him in library, forced me to help him to his english essay, forced me to eat his biscuit, forced me to listen to his stories about his gf, interrogated me about the girl he is stalking. I can only say I owed him before life. This is a debt that is to be paid by LIFE.

Kinda free after assignment months.
Still got few deadlines to meet this month.
To Do List:
Finish off Management Assignment which dues 22th Feb.
Finishing First Stage of our Automobile Design Project which dues in 2 weeks time.
Aiming to finish an assignment which dues in April @.@
Gonna gain some weight, starting by going to gym tomorrow.

Quit 148 Dinner Group Temporarily after this week.

Chilling out in my room.
Suddenly felt I'm like a dust, small and useless. Will be forgotten after being blown by wind. Wish I could do more~

Dad said: Make the decisions yourself. Turn left or right, fully on you. Bear the consequences yourself. He is a man of great wisdom. Respect.

I've gained the courage to take a step further on my own today.