Friday, November 13, 2009


Two days before was my 19th.. Well, not a big deal... Just another normal day for me... Coz never celebrated for it... Kip Loong was the first who said Happy Birthday to me.. Kinda surprised coz facebook wasn't showing my birthday pun, yet he remembered about it... Gan Dong =')
Then roger who had just finished his exam, was on msn... It was 4am and he wasn't sleeping at all... Those ppl said greeted me early, coz it was still 11th night here.. Sincerely thanks anyway. Grace, as expected, remembered my bday well.. We were close when we were in form 5.. I could still remember tat countdown to SPM on the corner of the blackboard was changed to Countdown to YouUng's birthday.. Coz my bday was exactly the first day of SPM tat year.. Thank to her... LOlz... So tat everyone will not be tat stressed to see the word SPM..
Unexpected cases though, Mandy, a friend whom I had never talked face to face before but only on msn, sent me an off9 message. Well, honestly she's amazing. I still remember tat she added me to her contact lists when I left Curtin during my 1st Sem last year. She greeted me and I don't even noe who she was until she showed me her pic. We were in the same chemistry group and we didn't even had any conversation b4.. lol... Though we met few times in campus after I went back to curtin, we only smiled to each other... Haizz... Thanks anyway for keeping in touch with me(the fren whom u have nth to say when u see face to face but lots to say on msn). haha.
Unexpected case2 was my dear dada, who wasn't even sure about it, and dono paiseh for wat, makes me laugh over and over again over the message.. Seriously the message make my day.. hahahhaha...Though at first I was expecting her to find out about it after a week or never..The attitude not to expect anything better is good. I'm happy tat day. Mayb the clue I gave helped...erm... I'll assume tat U found out by yourself then...(deceiving myself). Thank You very MuchYY x infinity =D.
Tat day, my sis and her bf made a chocolate cake for me and bought some icing to decorate it. Just then the icing was all over the place when they sprayed it on my head and face and I took revenge.. haha... Consequences... the carpeted floor stinks...till now... Then it was my sis who asked: " Last year, tiz day, wat u did?" Well, I did nth, and Dada paid for my dinner tat night. First time in my life a girl paid for my dinner. Hmm... "Wat U did after tat?" her bf added. Then we started to talk cock.. lolz... We had our dinner at Gala Casino.. I had the most expensive chicken I had ever ate b4, half ekor nia, costs rm48 if converted to ringgit, they had Peking Crispy Duck and Chicken Platter, which costs 10 pounds each. Actually Gala paid for the dinner because my sis de won 60 pounds when playing Three Card Poker by getting 3 10. Memang once in a full moon one... Haha. I played slot machine but no luck.. =(
My parents totally forgotten about my bday. Well, my sis reminded them while trying she was calling mom to talk about the air ticket stuff. Dad sent me a Happy Birthday message in chinese. And I just replied Thank You. Pathethic convo~~
19 years old, I feel young because tiz year is coming to an end, and I'm ngam ngam 19..
To me, it is just another normal day in my life, no big surprises, nth sad happen.
Just tat I received more emails and smses from friends.
Thank You all. GOD BLess all of you with sincere hearts.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


虽然只是笑了笑回答他说:就这样认识的咯,可是心里却毛了起来。。他怎么知道的啊? 又骂:操你妈个B,你脑残吗?女朋友就住同一间房,会认识才怪。而我是“自由人”,你管我?哈哈,只是妒忌他有个好女友罢了。。
在十一月四号那天是我姐男友的生日。我姐为他煮了一餐,买了一粒好好吃的巧克力蛋糕。有些甜蜜吧。。晚上我们又到赌场去赌钱。也许生日真的有些运气吧,他们俩赢了两百多磅。哈哈,当晚有人请我看电影(Saw VI)。一部从头杀到尾的影片,血腥,可是我却看腻了。。哎哎~~之后又看了一部The Fourth Kind,是关于在阿拉丝加一个小镇里发生的真实影片。故事说到外星人绑架人,附身等等。电影里有真实访问与影片,让人看了毛毛的。。是一部不错看的电影。可是,不懂我最近是怎么越来越勇敢了,看了一大串的鬼片都不害怕,而且有时还想一个人走到附近的坟墓探险。。哈哈,我承认我脑是有点问题了。。下星期还有一部影片叫Paranormal Activity.故事是关于一对情侣认为自己家闹鬼,于是便决定录下晚上发生的一切。影片太真实了,而且标题写着如果看了这部电影,绝对不敢关灯睡。我就是不信,看一看他有多可怕。
最近,没清新的感觉了,又回到了一个人生活的日子。一个人上学,一个人吃面包,一个人打电脑游戏,一个人欣赏风景。自己拥有的快乐却不能和别人分享,实在有些悲哀。好多酸甜苦辣想对一个人说,可是她给的回应恰有意思说你自己找乐子吧,别来打扰我的生活。哎,算了吧,我只是想分享,只好把快乐藏在心里,留给有缘人吧。一个人也没啥不好,冷了把双手插进裤袋也可以很温暖。自己走想走的路,想吃什么就吃什么。就像戴佩妮在“一个人的行李”唱的吧:我要一个人到东京铁塔去看夜景,我要到威尼斯去看电影,我要一个人到阳明山去看海域,拍偶像剧。我要一个人到纽约纯粹看雪景,我要一个人到巴黎去喝咖啡写信。这些都是我想要做的,而在十二月,我将到巴黎去。本想带着心爱的人一起的吧,可是她好像没什么事想跟我一起去做。两人在一起,想和你一起去完成的梦想有好多,而你却好像什么事都不想也不肯去做。最失望的是,你的快乐与悲哀都不再与我分享。这样我算什么?及隆昨天和我谈了谈,说到要从吉隆坡游玩到新加坡,或者到Bali去,两者的价钱差不多。虽然已知道结果,可是我还是得问一问,如果只是和我单独去旅游,你愿意吗?哈哈。。我还真傻。傻得可怜。到现在还有三个女孩与两个男孩时常会来找我聊心事。 一个说我幽默,一个说我信的过,一个说我健谈,而我却常被你说得一无是处。我到底是这么没用吗?也许有些困惑与伤心,不过不要紧吧,你得记住我是你的谁。如果你开口说需要我,我就会用心聆听。不要在我认真的时候乱骂我。我讨厌不被信任,我讨厌被误会,我讨厌被诬蔑。没想过我做的每一件事背后都有它的意义。我讨厌人嘲笑我的梦想,我讨厌不被了解。可是我的善良只给你滥用。伟对我说,人不为己天诛地灭。我说我不是这样的人,我常把别人放在第一位,带来的回应是你鸡趴,你傻瓜。最近,有些醒悟了。。从朋友的欺骗,到出卖,对我说谎。我只能感叹。月儿就是最好的例子。她教会了我好多东西,也让我看到了许多。感谢她让我成长。人说,第一次就勇敢的流泪,第二次,流下泪就得学教训。第三次再流泪,那你就是个大傻瓜。还有,最近颖曦告诉了我一个天大的消息,我开心得嘴巴都笑得合不拢。虽然只是如果,毕竟还是有希望的对吗?酸甜苦辣藏在一颗真诚的心。这颗最真诚的心只献给最真诚的人。我这儿是FM12.11。有心与我交心的人,您调对频道了吗?

Monday, November 9, 2009


Grandson: Who are these ppl here?
Grandpa: These are the men and women who sacrificed their lives for our country during the 2nd world war
Grandson: Why are they doing tat?
Grandpa: For freedom U and I having right now. For their families and the loved ones.
Grandson: So, what does this having any relationship with the bible?
Grandpa: There's a man who came down from the blissful heaven and sacrificed himself for our sins. He showed great love for us. Tats similar to wat the people here has done for us.

There's no greater love than a man laying down his life for his friends, family and loved ones.
We love because he first loved us 1 John 4:19

Summarised wat I've heard from church yesterday. Mayb some I've missed some parts, but not the most important sentence. That man from above is my IDOL.