Saturday, April 28, 2012

Love Happens

1. Life always tastes like a lemon. You have only two choices. Make sour face or make lemonade.
2. Practice 5 minutes smiling a day. And you will get used to it.
3. People always have fear in their heart. Hence, they build a barrier in their heart to protect themselves from the possibility of harm.
4. Stop waiting for things to happen. Go out and make them happen.
5. Look in the rear mirror and you will regret for not focusing on things coming unexpectedly.
6.When people lost their love, they live in memories hoping to relive the happiest moments.
7. People hide their true selves so that others won't see their weakest part inside. The hardest thing to do is taking the first step.
8.Climb up the stairs and observe things from different perspective and you will find beautiful things in the same situation.
9.Caring is to step into others shoes and think from opposite site of view.
10.Things do happen unexpectedly in life, but the saddest part of it would be seeing it coming but we are unable to change to outcome.

Monday, April 23, 2012

It was so warm. Three of you came back to see me. I felt the warmth of you lying on my leg. But I couldn't sense your emotions in your eyes anymore. Why would you refuse to look at me? Have I done anything wrong? How I wish the time could have stopped at the moment. Sorrowfulness filled my heart whole day. Tears rolled down few times today. I couldn't hold it back. Father do you hear my cry? Why is this the negative emotions in me lately? I have given all my best already. I really did. Nothing could stop if it is of your intentions.
Heal me, I pray.